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Inspirational Blog

June 29: Read Galatians 5:19-22

by Brenda Bowers PhD on June 29, 2021

The manifestations of death and life lie in the flesh and spirit respectively. This is what Paul wrote to the church at Galatia as he warned them about the dangerous works of the carnal aspect of our being. There is a litany of them that are manifest in this fashion.

Often the question is asked regarding what is included in the category of worldly works. This particular passage names 18 specific traits that make up the works of the flesh. Remaining focused on redemption, Paul immediately speaks to the manifestation of the nine attributes of the Holy Spirit, all being opposite of the
prior 18. We can choose half the number of values and gain life versus work for 18 that result in death. 

Which of the 18 do you battle with the most? Which of the 9 do you most succeed in? What strategies do you use to maintain balance so the 18 don’t overtake and overwhelm you? 

Please know that it is okay to allow the nine to shine. If you are not ashamed of Him, He will never be ashamed of you. 

Shine the Nine!

Copyright ©2018 by Brenda J. Bowers


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