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Inspirational Blog

July 4: Read Amos2:13-16

by Brenda Bowers PhD on July 04, 2021

Moab was a country that bordered Israel and, in the time frame of this text, they were being warned of punishment because of their poor choices to live in opposition to God’s commands. 

Amos was the prophet sent to provide this word to Moab. The people had been unjust, they oppressed others, were cruel, and sexually immoral. The message to them declared that no matter how mighty they seemed to be, they were no match for an angry God.  The mighty would not be able to rescue themselves. Those skillful with a bow and arrow would be found weak and inadequate, missing the mark. The Lord had provided them with plenty, gave them what they asked for, honored and answered their prayers, but they still thought their might was greater than His. 

Gratitude is an easy price to pay when you’ve been blessed beyond measure or might! 

Have you ever been at such a successful place in your life that you started to forsake your God?  Pray your way back to your Savior; His mighty hand is the source of all your increase.

Copyright ©2018 by Brenda J. Bowers


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