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Inspirational Blog

September 23: Read 1 Peter 3:13-17

by Brenda Bowers PhD on September 23, 2020

It seems counter intuitive that if you are doing well, following righteousness, and rendering good to others, that evil would lurk around to create opportunities for you to suffer. As absurd as it may seem, this is part of the Christian walk.

Jesus was persecuted for coming into the world to save the lost and to heal the sick. He was pure, holy, sanctified, and sent as the only Redeemer to bring light into God’s world that had turned dark from mankind’s sinful lifestyles.

After Peter realized the depth of this truth, he wrote to believers so they could be comforted knowing that suffering for righteousness sake is something Christians should be happy about, because it is part of being a follower of good.

Sanctification of our hearts is the only way to comprehend this paradoxical condition. Believers must sanctify themselves unto God and hold His Word in their hearts so that joy is greater than any suffering that may be experienced. It is a hallmark characteristic of those of us who will continue to hold up the Bloodstained Banner for our Lord

Copyright ©2018 by Brenda J. Bowers


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