Get Back in the Holy Ghost Anointing and Stay There
Few Message Call Outs:
- Sometimes you have to wake up the sleeping giant to back the devil up. You feel like you are under attack and all that happens is the Holy Ghost in you wakes up. And says I’m the POWER I’ve been dormant you haven’t called on me but I’ve been here all the time. I never left…. Nor forsaken you!
- Some of what you are in is not about you.
- Give up on making yourself better but rely on God making you worthy.
- Do not get hung up on yesterday and not get to the liberty of Jesus Christ.
- Do not go back and get the yoke of bondage because your tomorrow is brighter.
- God doesn't look at our imperfections but our opportunities.
- God's grace and mercy is there when you falter but His strength and power is there when you consecrate.
Bill Bowers
President and Co- Founder / Apostle Billy Bowers
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