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It's Chilli- But Are You Hot or Cold?

Outline Overview: Chilling Points From Hot Peppers

  1. Consider the terminology and definitions from scripture texts - Revelation 3:14-21; John 10 
  2. Gain a higher level of understanding regarding a community chili cook-off.
  3. Apply that higher level of understanding from the natural into the spiritual. 
  4. Recognize the value of liking it hot or loving it cold.
  5. Increase zealous knowledge of the roles, responsibilities, an/or behaviors of those present for the open-door community feeding.
  6. Glean the approach, strategy and outcome Jesus teaches, role models and delegates.
  7. Commit to take at least 900 seconds (15 minutes) of your 86,400/24 hours and integrate one concept from this teaching - Daily for the next 70 days (which if we use the date of delivery of this sermon 10/23/2022; the 70th Day will be January 1, 2023. 

Speaker: Brenda Bowers PhD

October 23, 2022
Revelation 3:14-21

Brenda Bowers PhD

Vice-President Co-Founder / Dr. Brenda Bowers PhD DNP

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